Additional Services

24 hour cancellation/postponement policy for all lessons/fitness sessions


  • Standard Triathlon Training Program…$250 - includes a 1-hour initial consultation with Coach Katy, complimentary Training Peaks account, and 6 months of swim, bike, run, and strength workouts

  • Sport Specific Remote Strength Training Program….$140/month - includes weekly strength training program, complete with guidance on determining proper weights, videos of all the strength moves, analysis of form, and suggestions for improvement all through an easy to use app

  • Sport Specific Hybrid Strength Training Program….$220/month - includes weekly strength training program, complete with guidance on determining proper weights, videos of all the strength moves, analysis of form, and suggestions for improvement all through an easy to use app PLUS one in-person session a month

  • Strength Training Session….$99/hour - in-person or virtual strength training session

  • Swim Stroke Analysis…..$149 – includes Loom video of your stroke broken down, and recommended drills to make you faster and more efficient

  • Swim Lesson….$119/hour (pool or endless pool)

  • Run Gait Analysis…..$149 – includes video, write-up and suggestions for improvement

  • Bike Form Analysis…..$149 – includes video, write-up and suggestions for improvement

  • Fitness Consult…$149 - includes a one hour in-person or virtual meeting and a follow-up email summarizing training recommendations and resources.


  • Open water swim session…..$149 (one hour session) -plus travel time

  • Package of 3 swim lessons…..$330

  • Package of 5 swim lessons…..$515


  • 4 week training plan for single sport + strength training plan….$199 (plus one weekly email to coaches)


  • One hour speaking engagement.....$200/hour (topics might include: open water swimming strategies, race fueling & nutrition, off-season training tips, preparing for your first triathlon, common swim stroke flaws, strength training for triathletes, etc.)